Saturday, August 27, 2022

Saturday Series Discovery: Natchez Trace Park Rangers

 This series are very loosely connected.  Some characters make brief appearances in each book, but in such a way that you won’t really feel like you are missing detail if you read the books out of order.

But, if you like to read series in order, like me, then this is another series to binge read.  The location is a beautiful setting, and the main characters are park rangers, which is something different to the normal careers suspense characters has.

Each suspense plot is unique and very interesting to solve.  With lots of twists and turns, each story kept me invested from beginning to end.

Review of books:

About the author:

Winner of an Inspirational Readers’ Choice Award in Suspense, Patricia Bradley lives in North Mississippi

with her rescue kitty, Suzy, and loves to write suspense with a twist of romance. Her Logan Point series is available at all on-line retailers and major bookstores. In September 2017, JUSTICE BURIED, the second book in the Memphis Cold Case Novels will release.

Her workshops on writing include online courses with American Christian Fiction Writers, workshops at the Mid-South Christian Writer’s Conference, ACFW Minnesota NICE and Memphis ACFW. When she has time, she likes to throw mud on a wheel and see what happens.

I love connecting with readers on my blog every Tuesday where I have a Mystery Question for them to solve:
Twitter: @ptbradley1


  1. I definitely prefer to read books in a series in order.

    1. Me too! I will wait to get all the books to be able to read in order!


Weekend Wrap-Up: March 2nd

    It’s Monday! What are you reading?   is hosted by  Book Date . We went on our first ski weekend holiday this past weekend and everyone e...