Monday, July 5, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons Why I Love Reading

 Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

When I meet fellow Avid readers, It just feels like I've made a new friend.  Here is my top 10 reasons why I love reading:

1.   I can escape reality for a few hours.

2.  After a long day of crunching numbers, it is a great way to relax.

3.  I travel the world, one book at a time.

4.  I learn about things I've knew little or nothing about, especially when I read a historical fiction novel.

5.  I meet interesting people, and sometimes even make some new fictional friends.

6.  Sometimes, in periods where I feel alone or just a bit down, spending some time in a fictional world, just helps improving my mood.

7.  I've met some swoon-worthy heroes.

8.  Through the characters, I've learned lessons and even times where the characters learned something about God, they imparted this lessons to me as a reader as well.

9. I just love that feeling you get after finishing a great book.

10.  A lot of the books I've read, drew me closer in my own relationship with God.


  1. Reading improves my mood, too!

    My post:

    1. Especially of you are down and need few lol moments.

  2. I really enjoy reading as an escape and a way to boost my mood as well! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. Especially last year, the escape was well needed.

  3. I love me a good historical fiction books, that's for sure. Happy reading! My TTT

    1. Yes, learn so much through my historical fiction books - it makes boring facts fun.

  4. I'm a religious person, but I don't read just Christian/inspirational fiction. It's interesting, though, how much better I feel - mentally, emotionally, and spiritually - when I read books that are uplifting and faith-promoting. It definitely makes a difference.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Definitely - I made a choice a few years ago to rather read books which gives me that uplifting feel.

  5. Reading is such a great way to relax after a long day.

    Here's my TTT post:

  6. One of my favourite reasons : books are a GREAT way to relax.
    Here's my list!

    1. Yes! Especially at the beach or under a warm blanket on a cold, rainy day.

  7. Some great reasons here :)
    My TTT:

  8. I love traveling the world through books! and the escapism- totally agree. I like learning things through books too. :)

    1. Yes, I think I added a few travel locations due to books. And even now when we can't travel physically...

  9. Love your list! I love learning through Historical Fiction and do feel that a lot of the books I read also bring me closer to God.

    1. Yes, love how Christian fiction still speaks to me while giving me an entertaining story.

  10. The feeling you get after reading a good book - that's a good reason! Although that feelings are mixed for me. If the book was too good I can actually feel more sad when I finish the book. If it was just a good book then yes I feel great. My TTT:


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