Monday, August 22, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Completed Series I Wish Had More Books

 Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Oh, for this reader who loves series, this should be an easy topic...but...which series to pick.  Especially with trying to not repeat books!

So, sorry for those repeated books on past TTT, but these are honestly the series I can continue reading forever...

1. Blackfriars Lane Series

Yes, I recently finished this one, but I can read more about Jackson and Kit and what unique situations they find themselves in.  The author did inform me there will be a third and final book, but I'm not sure if that will be enough of Kit and Jackson for me.

2.  Archer Brothers Series

I adored these brothers and how they fell in love with ladies who draws danger towards them.  I can read more stories about this family.

3.  Ladies of the Manor Series

The Ladies of the Manor series was my introduction to this author's work and I loved the characters.  These characters has since made appearances in other series, but I would love more with them as the focus.

4.  The Patrick Bowers Files Series

This one can be never-ending, thank you.

5.  Blue Justice Series

I loved the St John family and would love a few more books featuring them.

6.  Restoration Series

This was such a wonderful series.  I loved the Branning family and how the handled challenges and murders.  I was sad to say goodbye to them, so will definitely love more books about them.

7.  Walker Family

I loved this family and the community surrounding them.

8.  The Book of the Wars Series

Even though they mystery was concluded, I would love more books about this team solving new mysteries and saving the world.  The Banter between the team was something unique and added to my enjoyment.

9.  The Montana Marshalls Series

LOVED LOVED LOVED this series and was so sad it ended...but, a new three book series released in August, so I will binge read that soon...but I will welcome more books about the Montana Marshalls!

10.  O'Malley Series

This series was one of the first family series I have read, and I would love a sequel series featuring all of these siblings, and maybe there better halves and children.


  1. These all sound like wonderful series! I haven't read any of these...yet!

  2. They sound interesting.

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  3. I hope you do get more books in the series someday!
    My TTT:

    1. I will maybe settle with characters popping up in other series.

  4. These looks great - and thanks to you, I have added 2 of them to my TBR: the one by Steven James and Ronie Kendig; they both look great.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. They are! Especially the Steven James one - hope you enjoy it.

  5. I can tell that you really enjoyed these series!

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday list!

    1. Yes! And a few more I could not list this time :-)

  6. I have not read much by Melissa Tagg (yet), Ronie Kendig at all (yet), nor have I started Michelle Griep's series, although I did recently pick up the first book, so hoping to get to it soon! Great list!

    1. Hope you enjoy the Michelle Griep series and also discover a love for Tagg and Kendig :-)

  7. The Blackfriar's Lane series is one I've been meaning to read. I need to get to it soon!

    Happy TTT!

  8. Those Walker books were always favorites! So much good reading. :)


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