Saturday, September 3, 2022

Saturday Series Discovery: Blackfriars Lane


I loved this historical series.  The interaction between Jackson and Kit was fun to read and caused a few humorous scenarios.  This series needs to be read in order.  Book two follows on book one, and to truly appreciate the relationship between Kit and Jackson, you need to go back to the start, to a time when they were still enemies!

It was fun to follow the evidence and tips to solve the mysteries right along with Kit and Jackson.  The stories were really entertaining and even the supporting characters and suspects, added to some interesting reading.

The author’s way to describe scenarios and people makes reading fun and a creative escape.

And I was very excited to learn there will be a third book in this series!

Here is my reviews on book one and two:

Review: The Thief of Blackfriars Lane 

Review: the Bride of Blackfriars Lane

About the author:

I hear voices. Loud. Incessant. And very real. Which basically gives me two options: choke back massive

amounts of Prozac or write fiction. I chose the latter. Way cheaper. I've been writing since I discovered blank wall space and Crayolas. I seek to glorify God in all that I write...except for that graffiti phase I went through as a teenager. Oops. Did I say that out loud?


Weekend Wrap-Up: March 2nd

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