Thursday, September 15, 2022

Book Spotlight Fridays! Deception by Lisa Harris

Book Beginnings and Friday56

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading. Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice and asks you to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your e-reader and share a non-spoiler sentence or two.  First Line Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Reading is my Superpower that asks you to share the first sentence of the book you're reading.

I was so excited when this one hit my kindle.  It releases on Tuesday and pre-orders are open.


About the book:

It’s been over a year since Sam McQuaid has been back home to Shadow Ridge, and this time, he’s returning with a bounty on his head.

Welcome to Shadow Ridge, where LONGMIRE meets JERICHO.

From USA Today Best-selling author Lisa Harris comes an epic new series where the survival of Shadow Ridge depends on learning how to fight crime all over again.

In today’s world, law enforcement agencies across the country rely on forensic tools, DNA testing, and crime labs. But what if that technology was suddenly no longer available? No one in the small, west Texas town of Shadow Ridge knows what took down the power grid, or when it’s going to be back up, but everyone knows exactly where they were the moment it went down. And now, with no electricity, no internet, and no modern technology, the men and women responsible for keeping the town safe are going to have to learn how to fight crime all over again. 


Book Beginnings

Sam McQuaid's boots crunched on broken glass as he fled up the stationery escalator in the deserted mall, hoping to lose the men chasing him.

Friday 56

"I'm doing this for Asher and Oliver.  Which is why I can't just walk away from this."
She nodded.  "Ok. I just...I need you to be careful."

My thoughts so far

This one started out good and remained at that level.  I thought I would already be done reading, but tiredness at night had me falling a sleep most nights mid-sentence.



  1. I can see why you were excited for Deception. It looks like an interesting story. Have a great weekend!

  2. Another author/series I need to read. I hope you enjoy it. Have a great weekend!

  3. Intense beginning and great 56 too! I also like the cover, it feels so real. Happy weekend!

  4. Very intense. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

  5. I hope you're enjoying it. Thanks for sharing!

    Lauren @ Always Me

  6. ooh!! This had me at the description of Longmire and Jericho!! That first line is intriguing.

    My first line comes from The Governess by Kristie Self:

    "The young girl stood near the front window of her family's home, fear crawling up her spine as she kept a watchful scene unfolding outdoors"

    1. You're opening scene sets the tone for a scary story.

  7. Happy Friday!
    I'm currently reading The Belle of Belgrave Square by Mimi Matthews.
    "Julia sat immobile on the silk damask-cushioned bench in front of her carved walnut dressing table as her lady's maid, Mary, put the final touches on her evening coiffure."
    I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Sounds interesting. Hope you enjoyed your weekend.

  8. I want to read this entire series! :D

  9. Love reading Lisa Harris!

    My first line comes from Chapter 1 of A Gem of Truth by KimberleyWoodhouse :
    April 1907 Hotel Casraneda Las Vegas, New Mexico
    Some days were not predictable.

  10. I've seen this series around and it looks good! I'm currently reading Dangerous Beauty by Melissa Koslin and the first line is: "She ran." -- Hope you have a great rest of your weekend!


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