Thursday, September 1, 2022

Book Spotlight Fridays! Escape From Amsterdam


Book Beginnings and Friday56

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading. Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice and asks you to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your e-reader and share a non-spoiler sentence or two.  First Line Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Reading is my Superpower that asks you to share the first sentence of the book you're reading.

At first I was not sure if I were in the mood for this one, but as soon as I read the first page, it grabbed my interest.

Escape From Amsterdam

About the book:

A University Student Smuggles Children Out of Amsterdam

Full of intrigue, adventure, and romance, this series celebrates the unsung heroes—the heroines of WWII.
Helen Smit believed she was called by God to become a teacher. Little does she know that her care for kids will take a drastic turn for survival when the Germans occupy Amsterdam and Jewish children and parents begin to be deported. Now all she can think of is helping all the kids escape before it’s too late.
Erik Misman’s newfound love for Helen is tested when he joins a plot to help move Jewish children to a safe place in the countryside. If danger can foster a closer bond with Helen a/nd save the lives of the little ones, he will do it all. But a German patrol that stumbles upon the farm where they are hiding with three children and a soldier who takes an unexpected interest in Helen, could well destroy their plans for safety and love.

​Don’t miss these other stories:
The Cryptographer’s Dilemma by Johnnie Alexander
Picture of Hope by Liz Tolsma
Saving Mrs. Roosevelt by Candice Sue Patterson
Mrs. Witherspoon Goes to War by Mary Davis
A Rose for the Resistance by Angela K. Couch
The Season of My Enemy by Naomi Musch


Book Beginnings

Pop. Pop. Pop.

Friday 56

But children had to be affected by the invasion, she reasoned.

My thoughts so far

I love how each book in this series focus on a different part of WW2.  I have not read a lot about the war in Netherlands, so am intrigued to continue!



  1. Short quotes this week. Glad you are enjoying it.

  2. The history of WWII in the Netherlands is really interesting but also very complex for such a small country, so I think it's great a series like this shines a light on an aspect of it! I hope it's an interesting read for you! Have a lovely weekend :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

    1. It is actually sad how changes were slowly made to conform the people.

  3. Sounds like an interesting book.

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  4. I have not read a book about Amsterdam in the war.

    1. This is my first book as well. I have read one earlier this year set in Netherlands but this was the first in Amsterdam.

  5. My first line this week is from The Bride of Blackfriars Lane by Michelle Griep:
    London 1885
    September afternoons were meant for soft whispers and stolen kisses, not ash and soot and the gangrenous eye of a ruthless taskmaster.

  6. I love the idea of this book. I hope it was true to some degree that many Jewish children made it out alive. My book is The Grapes of Wrath

  7. I hope you enjoy it! Have a great weekend!

  8. Sounds like a heartbreaking read!!! Happy weekend!

  9. I'm currently reading Sit, Stay, Love by Dana Mentink. It's super cute!
    "Gina was surprised at the size of the ranch."
    Have a great weekend! 😀

    1. I've read the novella but not yet this one. Hope you enjoy it!

  10. I'm looking forward to reading this one.

    I'm reading another book by Karen Witemeyer: Full Steam Ahead. The first line is: "Passengers jockeyed for position along the steamboat Louisiana's railings, waving and calling merry farewells to the crowd lining the levee."

    Have a great holiday weekend!


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