Monday, July 26, 2021

Books I’d Want With Me While Stranded On a Deserted Island


Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This question almost feels the same as "What would you do with $1m"...  So, if I'm stranded on an island, what would I want and specifically need?  Also, may I cheat and say My kindle.📚..I should get at least 2-3 weeks of reading on that if the battery is fully charged 😀

1.  The Bible

So if I want to survive a deserted Island, I need to remain mentally stable:

I will definitely need an aid to be able to survive physically:

Mainly because this is something I don't really want to read but my husband wants to and it is long, so I figured as I am reading it I can use the pages for fire?

I just love this story and will soon be rereading it.  I won't mind having this novel with me to reread all the time.

I've recently read this in July and would love to reread it again.

I would like to cheat and say this whole series, but if I can't I would like to take the first book along since it will help me not feel alone wrt suddenly being in a situation with no modern day conveniences.

Because I would need distraction and a few laughs.

8.  Wyatt

I will need my Susan May Warren fix if I want to survive.

This was a beautiful story of redemption which I would love to read again.

I have fond memories of reading this one.


  1. Love the way a number of people have commented about using pages for starting fires... my mind went more scatological I'm afraid! This is my TTT list of books I'd want with me - although I found it impossible to keep it to ten and am itching to add others to it!

  2. Survival techniques are good, and yay for potential kindling as well ha ha!

  3. Ha ha Les Mis would definitely form a lot of kindling.
    My TTT:

  4. I used to religiously watch Bear's TV shows, however, am more of a city gal as of late. Happy reading! My TTT

  5. The Bible is on my list as well. I love the Last Light series and agree it would be hard to pick just one! I have not read anything by Joanne Bischof so will have to look her up, nor have I heard of the one by Karen Witemeyer, and I love her books. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes, without the Bible I might not survive emotionally!


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