Monday, July 19, 2021

Books I Read In One Sitting (or would have if I had the time)



 Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Oh, this week's topic is easy...I have so many options this week.  I will try and limit it to books I've given 5 stars and would love to read again.

1.  If I run

Actually, this whole series.  You should read it, and you should have all 3 books because each book end with cliffhangers and follow on each other:

2.  The Negotiater

I think I've read this series of 6 books in 3-4 days.

This third book in the series was the best yet, but I'm looking forward to what is still to come in the rest of the series.

4.  Wyatt

Actually this whole series - once I've started, I wanted to see what happens.  This is also one of those series best to read in order.

This series!  Fast paced, action packed and twists and turns everywhere!

This book was full of emotions, heartbreak and breath-holding moments.

This was one of the best WW2 stories I've read - and one I wished had a different ending.

Another series I've binged on and I think I've read this over a weekend.

Another great WW2 book I struggled to put down!

10.  Submerged

This book led me to another favourite author find and I binged on this series!


  1. Chateau of Secrets sounds very much like a book I'd like. Happy reading! My TTT

  2. I've read quite a lot of WW2 books, but I haven't heard of Chateau of Secrets, sounds good. My TTT:

  3. Secrets She Kept does sound good!

  4. I've seen you reading the Wyatt series, and I'm glad to see it made this list.

  5. I will have to take a look at Secrets she Kept. Lovely list!

    Elza Reads - Ten one sitting reads

  6. Great list of books!

    When you get the chance, I hope you can check out my TTT post:

  7. Great list! I have read about half of them...although not recently! Thanks for sharing!


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