Sunday, January 22, 2023

Weekend Wrap-Up: January 22nd


 It’s Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Book Date.

We had the boys' party this weekend and after starting the day with a 16km run, I was drained by the end of the day!

But everyone had a lot of fun and there was lots of swimming.


(Reviews can be found under Book Review tag)

Currently reading

Next up:

What are you reading this week?

Here is my past week's Blog Posts.

Which Avid Reader do not add to their shelves! I try to limit mine to review books since I have so many owned on my TBR to read.  So did I add to my shelf this week? 

So, this week I did add a few books, three ARC's in total - at least I didn't buy anything:


  1. Nice looking variety of books. All of them are new to me. I'm glad you are finding ways to get books with buying them. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  2. The Bark of Zorro looks so cute.

  3. Swimming and running sounds pretty good. Maybe the swimming a bit more :)


Weekend Wrap-Up: March 2nd

    It’s Monday! What are you reading?   is hosted by  Book Date . We went on our first ski weekend holiday this past weekend and everyone e...