Sunday, January 15, 2023

Weekend Wrap-Up: January 15th


 It’s Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Book Date.

So, my boys have their birthdays a day and 3 years apart, 11th and 12th January. And we have a 6 week school holiday in December/January, so decided this year to go away for their birthdays and the last week before school starts - to help the parents stay sane!

We loved our mini beach holiday, and needless to say, it did cut into reading time!


(Reviews can be found under Book Review tag)

Currently reading

Next up:

What are you reading this week?

Here is my past week's Blog Posts.

Which Avid Reader do not add to their shelves! I try to limit mine to review books since I have so many owned on my TBR to read.  So did I add to my shelf this week? 

Another good week!


  1. A beach holiday with your kids is much more important than reading time! My kids have birthdays 1 year and 10 days apart, so I know the feeling of having birthdays close together.

    1. Totally agree! Quality time with the kids are way more important and fun :-)

  2. I'm glad you had fun at the beach! Having two birthdays so close together would be stressful. Too many kids' parties! I feel like it takes me a week to mentally recover from a kids' party.


Weekend Wrap-Up: March 2nd

    It’s Monday! What are you reading?   is hosted by  Book Date . We went on our first ski weekend holiday this past weekend and everyone e...