Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Monthly Recap: December 2022


 I first saw this monthly reflections idea on: Christian bookshelf reviews

December came and go with loads of beach days, family time and swimming.  I also managed to get some reading in.

What I've read:

(Reviews can be found under Book Review tag)


Also another one not on Goodreads:

This one is currently free directly from the author: Buy Here


What I would like to read in January:

Currently Reading:

Upcoming reads (hopeful):

Did I buy any new books?


Yes, luckily only two:

Did I read everything I wanted too?

Nope, no movement made on my list:

ARC/Netgalley update:

ARC/Netgalley books downloaded this month:

ARC/Netgalley books read and reviewed:

How was your month?


  1. You had a wonderful month of reading in December! I hope January is just as good

  2. Fantastic month!! Happy New Year!


Review: Fear Has a Name

Fear Has a Name by Creston Mapes My rating: 💛💛💛💛 This is a new to me author and I would recommend him to fa...