Monday, December 5, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Freebie: 2022 Reading Goals recap!

 Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Here was my 2022 reading goals and an update on if I stuck to it.  Cheers to a better 2023!

1. Buying focus:

*Only buy books if:
     - Sale and a favourite author. Nope, did not stick to this!
     - Sale and not on Scribd. Nope, did not stick to this!
     - If I need the book book to finish a series I've started. Nope, did not stick to this!


2. Monthly reading:

*Review books - really need to try and limit it to 4 a month to get to books I own as well!  Some months was better than others.
*Buddy read books (well, this will include some review books and oldies as well). Yes, probably a bit more than what I should have done per month!
*Series I am busy with or one I have all the books off BEFORE starting a new one - with the exception of review books. Nope, did not stick to this!
*An old book (meaning one I have had 2017 or before) I did read some, but not as much as I should have to bring that TBR down! 
*A paperback! I barely get time to read my stack of physical books!  I want to try and finish 6 this year - more would be a bonus.  Yes! One goal I managed to keep and exceed!
*An audiobook Yes! One goal I managed to keep and exceed!
* Non-fiction - I try to read 6 a year. Nope, did not stick to this!

*Oh, and try to stick to reading only one book per format - I found myself a few times being busy with multiple kindle books in 2021!  hahaha - no


  1. I love this. I should revisit my reading goals. I think about them but haven't revisited my actual post about them to see how I am doing. One of my goals is to make sure I review ALL of my book club reads. I am behind on that one, but I still have a few weeks. Ha!

    My Freebie TTT post

  2. It's fun to look back and see how we managed with our reading goals. I aim low with numeric goals because I rarely meet them otherwise. I am right there with you on buying goals! Haha. I didn't stick with them.

    1. It is so difficult! I go in a month not wanting to buy, but then a book on my TOP Wishlist is on sale...

  3. I think the only reading goal I've met this year is the number of books I wanted to read. I did add a lot of books to my physical TBR this year, but many of those were on my TBR anyway. So now I don't have an excuse not to read them.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  4. A great update. I only had three goals and I only achieved 1. The one I achieved was my Goodreads Challenge. The ones I failed on were cutting down on Blog Tour books and reading from my TBR shelves. I suppose failed is a strong word - maybe didn't stick to it as much as I could have!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Totally the same for me - some months I had so much review books I did not get to any on my TBR already have it shelf!

  5. Awesome to see you stuck to some reading goals! That's awesome. :) Hope you exceed some accomplishments in 2023, too.

  6. I love this. I need to start making bookish goals for next year...and seeing how I did on this years!

  7. Congrats for completing some of your goals! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. Thank you! Paperbacks and old books are where I struggle!

  8. I'm not sure I would have completed any of these goals either. I'm glad you met some of these goals.

  9. Great goals, glad you were able to achieve some but others seemed like they were goals/rules that may have needed to be "broken".

    1. Yes! Especially buying. I just try to limit them so that I can get some sort of chance to read my books I already have :-)

  10. Honestly, I've learned that any kind of book buying goals I make are usually futile. Though I did make a goal to stop buying physical books from Amazon last year, and I did very well on that one, I've basically completed cut out Amazon as a source for physical books now.
    My TTT:

  11. I pretty much stopped making reading goals because I never keep them. I have stuck to my book buying ban for 4 months, so that's good. :)


Weekend Wrap-Up: March 2nd

    It’s Monday! What are you reading?   is hosted by  Book Date . We went on our first ski weekend holiday this past weekend and everyone e...