Friday, January 27, 2023

Book Spotlight Fridays! Everything is Just Beginning

Book Beginnings and Friday56

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading. Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice and asks you to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your e-reader and share a non-spoiler sentence or two.  First Line Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Reading is my Superpower that asks you to share the first sentence of the book you're reading.

This is a new to me author I discovered in 2022.  

Everything Is Just Beginning

About the book:

An Immersive Story of Music, Struggle, and Starting Over from an Award-Winning Author

Michael Sullivan is a talented lyricist and a decent guitarist, but since he was kicked out of his band (and his apartment), he's not sure he'll ever get a record deal. Living with his loser uncle in a beat-up trailer and working a dead-end job, Michael has little reason to hope for a better future. Until the invitation for a swanky New Year's Eve party shows up in the mailbox. It's for his uncle, with whom he shares his name, but his uncle is going out of town . . .

On the effervescent night of December 31, 1989--as the Berlin Wall is coming down, the Soviet Union is inching toward democracy, and anything seems possible--Michael will cross paths with the accomplished and enigmatic young heir to a fading musical dynasty, forever altering both of their futures.

Award-winning novelist Erin Bartels enchants with this story of two lonely souls who have exactly what the other one needs--if they could simply turn their focus from what is ending to what is just beginning.


Book Beginnings

I never wanted to live at my Uncle Mike's.

Friday 56

"I tried to refuse."
He rolled the end of his cigar against the stone wall, sending an inch of ash tumbling to the concrete. "I know you did. You're a good kid."

My thoughts so far

This story is interesting and emotional.  Looking forward to finishing it over the weekend.       



  1. I'm definitely wanting more!! Like that cover too! Happy weekend!

  2. Several things interest me with this book, including a life as a musician and the setting.

  3. Always a favorite author, my first line comes from Roseanna White’s latest:
    Yesterday’s Tides
    May 11, 1942 Ocracoke Island, North Carolina
    The first light of sunrise turned the water of Pamlico Sound to gold, the clouds to rose, and the dark to morning, promising Evie Farrow that today would be just like yesterday.

  4. I love reading books about music, though I am not a musician. This one sounds compelling.

  5. I like the musical angle. And 1989 was a great year!

  6. Happy Friday!
    I'm currently reading "I'm Not Charlotte Lucas" by Kasey Stockton. It's super cute!
    "I let myself into Vera's room, and my heart constricted."
    I hope you have a good weekend! 😀❤️📚

  7. This cover is so pretty. I'm currently reading Heroes in the Crossfire novella collection and the novella "Dawn's Hidden Threat" by Elizabeth Goddard. The first line is: Angie Greenwood stared into the killer's eyes." Have a great weekend!

  8. This sounds like a good book, slightly familiar - so I checked my TBR and it's already there! Glad you're enjoying it.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  9. I read this one recently too - so unique and a page-turner! Glad you’re enjoying it!


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