Monday, August 16, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Places to Read


Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Favourite places to read....right now I would say wherever and whenever (2 boys makes for running around a lot and not a lot of time for sitting and reading).  But here is some of my top 10 favourite places to read:

In the dream world:

1.  On the beach - somewhere on an island.

2.  On a comfy couch next to a fireplace.

3.  In a library, with the smell of books surrounding me.

4.  On the bed with a warm cup of coffee/tea under a blanket.

5.  In a relaxing bubble bath.

In the real world:

1.  On my kindle in the dark, while getting my toddler to sleep.

2.  On the bed, with my cold cup of tea.

3.  In a queue - waiting for whatever.

4.  Listening to audiobooks while doing mundane tasks.

5.  Anytime, anywhere I can squeeze in time to read!


  1. Standing in a queue - such a South African answer! LOL!!! I don't have a toddler to try to get to sleep (still praying), so I still have a lot of "dream world" reading spaces!

    Elza Reads

    1. Your island locations! Wishing for days we can travel again.

  2. On the beach...yes, and especially on an island.

    And could there be any place more perfect than reading in a library?

    1. Library or a bookshop! As long as you are surrounded by a lot of books!

  3. I love reading by fireplaces! Haven’t done it in a very long time, though.

    1. Rarely get time to read, lately it is more stopping the 1 year old of throwing things in the fire!

  4. A great list of places! Cozy fireplaces keep coming up on people's lists. I really need to clear space in my basement before winter arrives so I can do this.

    When you get the chance, I hope you stop by my post:

  5. What a great list - I couldn't help but laugh at the vast differences between your dream answers and your real life answers.

    1. Yes, unfortunately the dream will probably stay a dream for the next 5 years stil!

  6. Love the contrast between your dream answers and your real life answers!
    My TTT:

    1. A lot of like feels like a contrast right now!

  7. I love how you divided your list into dream vs real world. I think a lot of us can relate! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  8. Aw! Love the list. The kiddos get older and it gets easier!

  9. I like the library and island ones too. Maybe combine them into a comfy library ON an island lol...

    1. Or in a library with a huge poster of an island these days...

  10. The photo at the end is a-do-ra-ble!

    I also read when I'm waiting in line. It's a good way to pass the time!

    Here's my TTT list.

    1. Thank you. The eldest has my love for reading and trying to get the youngest to enjoy it too!


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