Saturday, August 21, 2021

Series Discovery: Global Guardians

So, this series is one of the older series which was on my TBR list since discovering Susan May Warren.  You know, sometimes you discover authors and are happy to just follow their new releases from the date of discovery, but then there is a few authors where you need to read ALL of their Books, ASAP! And this author is one of those.

So, this series was first published 2005-2008, but I've met the older versions of them in the Montana Marshall Series, and when I found the series on Kindle Unlimited, bumped it up on my TBR.


This series was action packed, thrilling, adventurous and a bit different because it had Russian and American heroes and heroines.  And I learned so much about Russia.  And the topics in the books was so interesting, From murdered missionaries and Political coupes to human trafficking, the suspense was never ending.

I'm not sure if I will ever physically visit Russia after this series, but my fictional travels was very enjoyable.

Another great series by an author whose writing I've come to know never disappoints.

Have you read this series or is this also on your TBR to read?

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