Monday, March 1, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Characters Whose Job I Wish I Had


 Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Oh, I can go crazy with this one.  We all love to live in our characters' shoes once in a while...

1.  The Tender Vine

Oh, my husband and I would love to own our own little vineyard.  There is just something mystical to a vineyard and how it changes with every season.

The only reason why I would want have Lauren's job, is so that I could meet Joshua!

3.  Ford

Yes please, I want to be rescued by a strong navy seal.

Because which Avid Reader would not love being paid for reading!

I would love to be as skilled as Mercy with a computer.  Plus to work along side Leif Metcalfe...

I went diving once and loved it.  How cool it would be to do this on a regular basis while solving crimes!

7.  Wild Montana Skies

Because flying helicopters looks fun!

8.  When the smoke clear

I jumped out of a plane once and it was amazing! Doing that while fighting fires...feels like a HUGE adrenalin rush!

9.  Distant Echoes

Living in Hawaii and working with dolphins...enough said.

10.  A Song Unheard

It always looked so fun to be able to play the violin without sounding like a screeching cat!

Any of these jobs look fun to you?


  1. This was fun! I couldn't really remember any of the occupations so I went with Dr. Seuss's books for his birthday. Thanks for stopping by!


  2. I'd love to be able to play the violin, too.

    My post:

  3. I would love to get paid to read what I want...The problem is that you don't always enjoy what you have to read.

    Great list!

    Happy TTT!!

    Ten jobs Elza would love to have

  4. If I could re-do my college choices, I would definitely study library science. Being a librarian sounds like a great career.

    Happy TTT!


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