Monday, March 29, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Places In Books I’d Love to Live


 Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

It always fun to travel in books, and my travel lists growths longer and longer the more books I read, but here is some places in books I visited and would love to live in:

1.  Greece

Greece with the crystal blue water and islands just always is somewhere I want to visit or maybe go live for a few months.

2.  Ireland

The big open green fields always drawn me to sometime spend some time in.

3. Italy

I don't know, Italy is always a country I would love to go to!

4. Paris, France

We spend two days in Paris, France, and it was way too little time.  Would love to make Paris my center and see more of France.

5.  Deep Haven, USA

I love this community and would love to be part of this group of fictional characters!

6.  Hawaii, USA

It just looks so beautiful with the beach and sand and the vacation feel all the time!

7.  San Diego, USA

When I traveled here years ago, I just fell in love with the this City and wouldn't mind living here.

8.  London, England

London is another city I would love to go and live in for a few years.  I love the big parks it has and would like to experience a bit of the culture as well.

9.  Belguim

Again, we visited here a few years ago and would love to stay here for a few months.  The Belgium Waffles and Craft Beers will definitely be a draw for my husband.

10.  South Africa

I love living in South Africa.  Yes, we do have our issues, but I love our beaches, mountains and all the beautiful places to go camping.  If we ever move away, I will definitely miss it.


  1. Living in Hawaii sounds amazing right about now.

    My post:

  2. I spent several months in Cape Town last year (pre-Covid) and would love to go back, and see more of South Africa, it's such a beautiful country. I've been to a lot of places on your list: I go to London quite a lot as I don't live very far from there (and I'm originally from there). I've been to Belgium when I was a kid but I don't remember it very well so I'd like to go back. I've also been to both Italy and Greece but would like to go back to see more of both countries. I've also been to Paris but would like to go again, and San Diego as well. I've never been to Ireland though, it's somewhere I've always wanted to go but never got around to. Hopefully post pandemic!
    My TTT:

  3. I'd like to visit Greece and Ireland! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!


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