Thursday, March 25, 2021

Book Spotlight Fridays! Facing the Dawn


Book Beginnings and Friday56

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading. Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice and asks you to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your e-reader and share a non-spoiler sentence or two.

It was a slow start, but then a huge event happened which totally drew me in!

Facing the Dawn

About the book:

Mara Jacobs does her best to hold everything together, despite three detention-prone kids, an unrewarding job, never-ending chores, and a husband thousands of miles away. After a shocking loss, she must lean on those around her to find her way to healing and renewed faith.


Book Beginnings

He held the paper - the indictment against her - six inches from his face, which made him look like a blank sheet with bushy hair.

Friday 56 (26%)

God, you're here, aren't you? The awfulest of all the awful days.  And you're right in the middle of it.  You send Ashlee.  Chelsea has leadership potential.  And Dylan isn't in prison.

My thoughts so far

I wasn't so sure in the beginning that I would enjoy this, but now I'm totally invested and want to see where it goes.



  1. Ooh I love it when a big plot-twist pulls you straight into a book! I can see your hesitancy at the beginning, but I'm glad the book came through for you. I hope you have a lovely week and do drop by my Friday post if you have the time! - Juli @ A Universe in Words

  2. What an intriguing story! Great excerpts, too. Here's mine: “EVERY VOW YOU BREAK”

  3. Love those excerpts. I haven't read anything by this author, but I want to. Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  4. I'm definitely curious for more! Happy weekend!

  5. Is the opening line about divorce? It is a shocking way to start a book, I think. My selection this week is called Dragon Hoops


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