Monday, July 25, 2022

Weekend Wrap-up: July 25th


 It’s Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Book Date.

I am a bit late in posting this.  We took a long weekend and spend some internet free time in Cederberg.  It is so beautiful there and we always feel refreshed after, though still tired, because we have a 5 year old and 2 year old.  This year we could be more active, taking the boys on shorter hikes.


(Reviews can be found under Book Review tag)

Currently reading

Next up:

Some options for this week's reading, all depended if my ARC's I'm hoping to get will come through.

What are you reading this week?

Here is my past week's Blog Posts.

Which Avid Reader do not add to their shelves! I try to limit mine to review books since I have so many owned on my TBR to read.  So did I add to my shelf this week?  Yes, too many, so here is hope that the last week in July will be zero!


  1. It's awesome that your kids behave well enough for travel and hikes. I'm scared to take my 3-year-old on adventures because she's nuts! Enjoy your books!

    1. Haha, we do have to stop and pause to first talk about safety etc with the 2 year old. :-)

  2. So many wonderful books. I like the look of Paper Hearts.


Book Spotlight Friday! Rescued Duty

Book Beginnings and Friday56 Book Beginnings  is a weekly meme hosted by   Rose City Reader  that asks you to share the first sentence (or s...