Monday, October 18, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Online Resources for Book Lovers


Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

We all love books, and especially when we can get great deals to build on that already overflowing TBR!  And also, in South Africa, we unfortunately do not have all the great digital lending libraries other countries have.  So, here is some of the sites/apps I use to help me keep on reading without spending way to much money:

1.  Amazon - I have a few wish list which I follow and sometimes I got really great deals on books I want to read!

2.  Kindle Unlimited - Sometimes you can get great deals on Kindle Unlimited and then you have a digital library!

3.  Scribd - I love this app. For a fix amount a month, I can listen to as much audiobooks I want, or read books.  There is a lot more options for me than Audible at a lower price!

4.  Netgalley - This is a great way of getting ARC's and help those authors spread the news about a new book.  Unfortunately, I do not get approved for everything I would love to read, but I've discovered a few great authors here.

5. - so yes, another one where it depends on what are available.  I was successful in borrowing a few books, but a bit more unsuccessful.

6.  Christian booklending group on Facebook - here you can also ask for a book to borrow on Kindle and if you are lucky, it is available.

7.  LibriVox - for all those classic - it is free and such a great way to read (or listen) to classics.

8.  Cumbooks - this is our South African christian bookstore and sometimes you can find great sales!

9.  Book Depository - now, I haven't use this one, but seems like a great option for buying physical books!

10.  Goodreads - even though this is not a site to purchase books, I can not mention Goodreads.  Goodreads introduced me to a online community of readers and I've found so many great authors I never knew existed!  


  1. I've used Book Depository a few times and i like how I can sometimes get books there that I can't through other channels.

  2. I used to use Book Depository a lot back in the day, but it's pretty rare now.

  3. Someday I should try NetGalley!

  4. I love Kindle Unlimited…and I just dipped my toe into NetGalley.

    My list—

    Happy TTT!

    1. Netgalley is awesome, just wish they would approve more of my requests :-)

  5. I recently resumed my Scribd subscription and that may have been my best decision this fall, audiobooks have changed my reading game. Happy reading! My TTT

    1. Without audiobooks I won't get time for that much reading!

  6. Book Depository is a great place to find books!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. A lot off sites I did not know about, thanks!

  7. I haven't tried Book Depository yet for books either. I've recently started using NetGalley, and I agree it can be addictive. I try to limit my search time to once a week. The same with Goodreads Giveaways and New Release Pages. Or else I would want everything!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  8. Almost everyone has mentioned Goodreads on their lists today. It's a great site. I use it almost daily.

    Happy TTT!

  9. I can't believe I forgot to add Book Depository to my list! It's admittedly been a while since I last used it (thanks to the pandemic) but you can't beat the free worldwide shipping and the book prices are pretty decent too! I also had Kindle Unlimited on my list—lots of great titles on there with a bit of searching :)

    1. I've cancelled KU for now, too many other books to read. But I have an amazon list for books available on KU and amazon also recommends great options :-)

  10. Several of these are new to me, thanks for sharing! I finally started a list because I am picking up so many new ideas from reading everyone's lists!! Here is my link for this week:

    1. Great list. And I agree - Scribd as the most variety for Christian fiction - the choices are endless!

  11. If you want to swap a book for a book you are looking for and only spend the price of media mail, Paperbackswap and Bookmooch are great. Also if you are looking for an older book, is a great place to find them. Most are only 2 or 3 dollars with free shipping.

    1. Thank you. Will check it out but think it is only beneficial for those living in US :-)


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