Thursday, October 21, 2021

Book Spotlight Fridays! Hours to Kill and more


Book Beginnings and Friday56

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading. Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice and asks you to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your e-reader and share a non-spoiler sentence or two.

So this week I'm spotlighting not one, not two, but three books!  Sorry, or not sorry, but I'm currently reading all three and enjoying all so much, want to share the reading-love.

Hours To Kill

About the book:

Just as Homeland Security Agent Addison Leigh reaches the pinnacle of her cyber investigation into a firearms smuggling ring, she's attacked and left for dead. Her estranged husband, ICE Agent Mack Jordan, is notified that she's at the hospital in a coma. He may have let his past military trauma ruin their short marriage, but she never gave up on their relationship, and he remains her next of kin.

Mack rushes to her bedside, where he promises to hunt down the man who attacked her. Mack failed her once when he bailed on their marriage, and he's not about to let her down again. But when she wakes up in the hospital, she remembers neither the attack nor ever being married to Mack. And when a second attempt to take her life is made, it's clear something very sinister is going on, and Mack and Addison are in for the ride of their lives.


Book Beginnings

THE BRUTAL KILLER put a knife to her mother's throat.

Friday 56

Her stomach knotted.  "Our office could be one of them.  Razo could be looking to pay me back for investigating him and make it seem like a sovereign citizen did it."

My thoughts so far

Enjoying this one.  I'm listening to this on audio and I love the banter between Mack and Kylie.  Mack and Addie is cute together, hope they can sort out their issues.


The Heart of a Hero

About the book:

Jake Silver may not be able to put the memories of his time as a sniper and Navy SEAL behind him, but at least he can put his skills to use as a part of the Jones Inc. rescue team. Saving the life of pediatric heart surgeon Dr. Aria Sinclair on Denali helped too. Now he can't get her out of his head, and when he hears she is in the path of a hurricane down in Key West he can't help but jump on a plane to rescue her.

Aria has dedicated her life to helping children born with defective hearts. After all, she was one of those children. Now driven to succeed, she lives a lonely, stressful life. One she would have lost on Denali if it hadn't been for Jake. Jake is exciting and handsome, but he's also dangerous, and she's already lost one person she loves. She can't bear it again.

It's not until she finds herself trapped in the middle of a category 4 hurricane that she can admit she needs Jake desperately. With their very survival in the balance, can they hope for a second chance at life . . . and love?


Book Beginnings

IN THE DAYLIGHT, Jake Silver wasn't the devil.

Friday 56

He sorta liked cats.  They were like sisters - independent, smart, savvy and capable.

My thoughts so far

Jake is such a loveable hero, more to what you see!


The Thief of Blackfriars Lane

About the book:

There’s Often a Fine Line Between a Criminal and a Saint

Constable Jackson Forge intends to make the world safer, or at least the streets of Victorian London. But that’s Kit Turner’s domain, a swindler who runs a crew that acquires money the old-fashioned way—conning the rich to give to the poor. When a local cab driver goes missing, Jackson is tasked with finding the man, and the only way to do that is by enlisting Kit’s help. If Jackson doesn’t find the cabby, he’ll be fired. If Kit doesn’t help Jackson, he’ll arrest her for thievery. Yet neither of them realize those are the least of their problems.


Book Beginnings

For want of a properly working pocket watch, Jackson Forge failed to save the world today - or at least the City of London.  Now he'd be lucky to save himself.

Friday 56

A smile twitched on her lips, then fell away.  Footsteps clicked outside the door.  Right outside.  Before she could glance around for a place to hide, the know turned.  There was nothing for it, then.  She launched herself into Jackson's arms and kissed him full on the mouth.

My thoughts so far

This one is adventure and fun.



  1. That's quite a beginning for 'Hours to Kill'! 'The Thief of Blackfriar's Lane' really caught my eye though, that looks like a book for me! I hope you continue to enjoy all of these and that you have a lovely weekend :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  2. All three of books look interesting. Have a great weekend!

  3. All of these are on my TBR list. Glad to hear that you're enjoying them. Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  4. I have not read any of these, but need to. Thanks for sharing!


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