Friday, December 31, 2021

2022 Reading Goals


2022 Reading Goals

I always try to have some Reading Goals, to try and focus my reading and hopefully limit book purchases.  I don't always keep them (I mean, reading is fun and I'm a mood reader), but I do try and keep the big picture goal in mind when wanting new books.

This year, I want to focus my goals on mainly two, to limit my buying and then my monthly reading:

1. Buying focus:

*Only buy books if:
     - Sale and a favourite author.
     - Sale and not on Scribd.
     - If I need the book book to finish a series I've started.


2. Monthly reading:

*Review books - really need to try and limit it to 4 a month to get to books I own as well!
*Buddy read books (well, this will include some review books and oldies as well).
*Series I am busy with or one I have all the books off BEFORE starting a new one - with the exception of review books.
*An old book (meaning one I have had 2017 or before)
*A paperback! I barely get time to read my stack of physical books!  I want to try and finish 6 this year - more would be a bonus.
*An audiobook
* Non-fiction - I try to read 6 a year.
*Oh, and try to stick to reading only one book per format - I found myself a few times being busy with multiple kindle books in 2021!

So, if you do set goals, what are they?

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