Thursday, December 16, 2021

Looking back on 2021 Reading goals

 I can not believe it is almost 2022!  So this also means thinking back on what reading goals I had for 2021 and how far off course I went.  Something new in 2021 which affected my reading plans, was being accepted into a blogger program which meant a lot more review books. which I loved, but it did impact my normal reading plans.

2021 Goals

1. Reading focus:

*Read books I already have.  Failed - review books or books I bought in 2021 got bumped to the top of my TBR.
*Complete series I have started I've doubled my goal on the number of series I wanted to finish, but I think only 20% was series I already started 😌
*Only start new series for favourite authors or Review books.  More or less the only goal I've met. 😊

2. Buying focus:

*Only buy books if:
     - Sale and a favourite author
     - Sale and part of a series I am reading
     - Sale and not on Scribd
     - Sale and do not have a book by that author already waiting to be read.

Some months I was good with not buying much, other months was really bad.  I really do want to try and limit books I buy in 2022!

3. Monthly reading:

*Review books Yes - some months it was all I've read.
*Buddy read books Yes, I have one virtual book friend with similar taste in books, so we do buddy reads monthly which is fun.
*Series I am busy with Yes and No - some months yes, but I mostly got distracted with new series.
*An old book (meaning one I have had 2016 or before) Totally failed on this one - I wanted to do a book a month, but think ended up only reading 6.
*A paperback! I barely get time to read my stack of physical books! Also failed on this one - I think I will end up with 5 out of 6 I planned, but hopefully can do better next year.
*An audiobook One goal I managed to meet and surpass.

Did you set goals and have you met them?

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