Thursday, February 2, 2023

Review: Everything Is Just Beginning

Everything Is Just Beginning Everything Is Just Beginning by Erin Bartels
My rating: 💛💛💛

I am a bit conflicted after finishing this story. The writing was interesting and flowed easily and kept me invested most of the time. Michael’s journey included a lot of character growth, however, with the influence of Natalie and her mother and mention of God, I felt his spiritual growth lacking for what I expected.

There was a lot of open possibilities for relationships to reconcile and grow stronger, but never realised. And in the book summary it sounded like the Berlin Wall would have had a greater impact than it had.

I really liked the author’s writing style and how her stories develop and evolve and the broken and realistic characters the author delivers. Through this story the readers could see how other people can impact a person’s life if we just take the time to invest in those broken people’s lives.

*I received a complimentary book from the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.*

View all my reviews

About the book:

An Immersive Story of Music, Struggle, and Starting Over from an Award-Winning Author

Michael Sullivan is a talented lyricist and a decent guitarist, but since he was kicked out of his band (and his apartment), he's not sure he'll ever get a record deal. Living with his loser uncle in a beat-up trailer and working a dead-end job, Michael has little reason to hope for a better future. Until the invitation for a swanky New Year's Eve party shows up in the mailbox. It's for his uncle, with whom he shares his name, but his uncle is going out of town . . .

On the effervescent night of December 31, 1989--as the Berlin Wall is coming down, the Soviet Union is inching toward democracy, and anything seems possible--Michael will cross paths with the accomplished and enigmatic young heir to a fading musical dynasty, forever altering both of their futures.

Award-winning novelist Erin Bartels enchants with this story of two lonely souls who have exactly what the other one needs--if they could simply turn their focus from what is ending to what is just beginning.

About the author:

ERIN BARTELS is the award-winning author of We Hope for Better Things, The Words between Us, All That We Carried, and The Girl Who Could Breathe Under Water.

Erin lives in the capital city of a state that is 40% water, nestled somewhere between angry protesters on the Capitol lawn and couch-burning frat boys at Michigan State University. And yet, she claims it is really quite peaceful.

Find her online at, on Facebook @ErinBartelsAuthor, and on Instagram @erinbartelswrites.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, even with a few reservations


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