Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Throwback Thursday! Too Close to Home by Lynette Eason



Another Throwback to June 2015.  Oh my, from the first book I've ready by Lynette Eason, I was hooked.  And since then she just got better.  Have you read any of her work?  Also see Author Discovery: Lynette Eason

Too Close to Home by Lynette Eason
My rating: 💛💛💛💛💛

Warning: this is one great page turning suspense and be sure to start it only if you sufficient reading time to finish it, especially the last 20% of the book.

I have read A Killer Among Us about 2 years ago and then bought the first 2 books in the Women of Justice series, and cannot believe I waited till now to read it. Lynette Eason is one gifted suspense writer and after this book she moved up the ranks of favourite suspense writers.

The characters. I loved the characters. They were real dealing with real issues. I loved how Lynette showed the reader the inner conflicts the characters are dealing with. This made them feel like someone you know, not a fictitious character.

The romance. The romance was not over the top at all. The suspense and the murder stories got more of the limelight of the book, the romance was secondary and not in your face. I loved this.

The suspense: Wow, the plot felt like it could be one episode of criminal minds. The suspect was twisted. The writer wrote some scenes from the culprit's view point and you can't believe how twisted this subject was. The suspense was fast and building and there was so many twists that kept me guessing. About 80% in the book I thought I knew who it was, but the way the rest was written , bouncing from the cops to the culprit's view point, confused me up to almost 90% when it was revealed. That for me is great suspense - keeping me guessing right up till the end.

Oh and the epilogue - I was planning to read another book first, but the epilogue made me open the second book in the series right away!

Highly recommended to all suspense fans!

View all my reviews


  1. I’ll read anything Lynette writes. So enjoyed this series and am looking forward to reading the last of her new series.

    1. Me too! And the new release coming Jan 2022!


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