Sunday, June 6, 2021

Weekend Wrap-up: June 6th



I'm joining Christian Bookshelf Reviews in this weekly weekend wrap-up idea which I first saw on her blog.

See which books I've read this week, currently reading and planning to read.

Books I've finished this week:

I've only finished one book this week Come back to me - if you like time travel, you should really try this book.  Between work slowing down (aka stress adrenaline rush ending) and two sick boys, I wasn't really in the reading mood.

Currently reading

A few different types going.  Protection for hire is almost done and really good.

Next up:

Looking forward to what I've line up next:

What are you reading this week?


  1. I'm usually a big fan of books featuring time travel, so I'm excited to pick up Jody Hedlund's new one. I still need to read that Steven James series. I've heard such good things about it, and I loved his Jevin Banks books, so I'm sure I'll enjoy it. I've just gotta find the time to fit them in. :)

    1. That is the main problem we avid readers have, too many books, too little time. :-)


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