Monday, April 5, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’d Gladly Throw Into the Ocean



 Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

The following is all books I've read.  And if I given the chance, I might decide differently...

1.  The Shack

I know a lot of people liked this one.  But I hated it.  I kept reading it hoping it will get better and at the end just felt...bleh.

If I didn't need to read this for school, I would have stopped it early on.

This just ended up being boring.

It was just too weird for me.

And some books I did not finish:

5.  Pounced

Maybe I will give this another go, maybe not, but I just did not connect with the lead and her obsession with her cat.

I stuck with this one longer than what I should, but at 50% just decided there is too many good books to spend more time on this one.  Just wasn't for me.

Just did not like this one.

The next two both had Voodoo in the plot and I just did not like reading about that.

8.  Strategem

9.  Placebo

10.  Fifteen Minutes

I finished this one, and liked it, but wanted to throw it across the room (or into the ocean) a few times because the male character frustrated me so much.


  1. Haven't read any of these but I'm going to steer clear now 😂
    Here's mine:

    1. Glad I can help in some way to limit that TBR. Thank you for stopping by!

  2. I felt the same way about The Shack.

    My post:

  3. I would cladly see Lord of the flies drifting away and then sink very, very deep into the ocean!

    Here's my Ten Books I'd gladly throw into the ocean (for the mermaids to read)

    1. I know! And we had to read it when I was 14! Liked your take on the theme. :-)

  4. I had Lord of The Flies too, it was also school assigned reading, I never would have read it otherwise.
    My TTT:

  5. I haven't read any of these and, honestly, don't have any desire to. Funny enough, The Shack is one of my husband's favorite movies. He's never read the book - I wonder if he would like it as well?

    Happy TTT!


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