Thursday, April 15, 2021

Review: The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes

The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes by Lucille Williams
My rating: 💛💛💛💛

It took me a while to pick this one up to read. I requested it due to the topic, but then delayed reading it because for this conservative reader, I needed a bit more courage. Now I wished I've read it sooner and would highly recommend it for married women.

It's kind of like the game of chess. The queen, which stands right next to the king, is the most powerful piece on the board. You are the queen. You are the best and most important "piece" in his life. You have the ability to build him up or tear him down.

This author was bold by tackling a topic most people avoid to talk about, but should be talked more about with married couples. As an unmarried women, I knew sex before marriage was wrong, however, we are never told we may enjoy sex when married. And yes, sometimes we don't want to hear it, but sex is important for a thriving marriage - it was intended by God for marriage and to be enjoyed.

Even when we don't "feel" crazy in love, we "act" in love, which allows us to work through our struggles more quickly.

And it is not just about sex, but also other factors which affects your marriage which will have an influence on your intimacy.

There was a few things the author said I'm not 100% convinced I agree with, but most of it was again eye opening.

A woman will feel most fulfilled when she loves fully and completely. Your marriage is your journey, your adventure, your romantic tale. You craft your love story.

*I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via Netgalley. All opinions expressed are my own.*

View all my reviews

About the book:

“In a market that is filled with books that are soooo serious and formal, Lu sweeps in like that quirky, fun, irreverent big sister who can say anything and makes you blush. . .but who you might actually listen to.”
Shaunti Feldhahn, best-selling author of For Women Only

Sex advice. . .
from a pastor’s wife? Oh my.

Well, why not? Who better to give sound, biblical advice about what God actually has in mind for your sex life? From pastor’s wife and author Lucille (Lu) Williams comes The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes, a transparent, surprisingly honest, widely informative approach to transform your sex life and safeguard your marriage. Many women struggle with their sexuality and, unfortunately, too many settle for reading about romance rather than living it out in their own lives. Within the pages of The Intimacy You Crave are relatable, real-life fantasies and desires of everyday women—but more important are the step-by-step instructions and straight-talk about sex from a pastor’s wife that will challenge and equip you to work toward a greater intimacy that infiltrates every area of your married life. Whether you crave something as simple as a pancake breakfast together after “makin’ bacon in the bedroom” or a deep connection with your husband unlike anything you’ve experienced before, Lu’s unprecedented insights and step-by-step challenges will increase your desire and deepen a sexual intimacy that overflows into every area of  your married life. It’s time to say yes to great sex!

About the author:

Lucille Williams
 is an author, speaker, director, and coach who has been working with families for over 25 years. Straightforward, funny, engaging, genuine, and authentic, Lucille writes from her experiences as a pastor’s wife and deep devotion to her husband and children.

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