Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Monthly Recap: November discoveries


I first saw this monthly reflections ideas on: Christian bookshelf reviews

What I've read:

I had a great month for reading.  I finished 9 books! And there was a few great ones!

I really read a few good books I liked this month but my 5 star read was Gold Digger:

You can find all my reviews on what I've read this month under: Book review

December plans:

There is a few books I would like to get to this month.  Some is series I would like to finish.  However, the one I'm planning on reading and most excited about is:

So, what books are you looking forward to read in December?


Can't Wait Wednesday! Hunting Justice

Can't Wait Wednesday  is a weekly meme hosted by  Wishful Endings  that spotlights and discusses the books we're excited about that ...