Thursday, March 2, 2023

Monthly Recap: February 2023


I first saw this monthly reflections idea on: Christian bookshelf reviews

February was short for all the reading I planned, so I did not get to everything I wanted to read, but made a big dent in my TBR.

What I've read:

(Reviews can be found under Book Review tag)




What I would like to read in February:

Currently Reading:

Upcoming reads (hopeful):

I have a lot planned for such a short month!

Did I buy any new books?


I bought two in Feb.  One was 5 books for $0.99 and one a HIGH expected one:

Did I read everything I wanted too?

No, though there was some I caught up in Feb which I carried over from Jan, there was ones I wanted to read in Feb which I will have to carry over to March:

I also have a lot of books I need to catch up on for a 18 month challenge which started Jan 2022 and ending June 2023.  When I joined the challenge I was thinking, 2 books a month is do-able, but then in a blink of an eye, I got behind (the crosses are the ones I got this month):

Also, another Goodreads challenge to try and read 20 of my TBR books this year - knocked out one book in February:

ARC/Netgalley update:

ARC/Netgalley books downloaded this month:

After having a great first half of the month where I downloaded nothing, January ended up being a bit steep with ARCs.  Luckily not everything is due in the next month or so:

ARC/Netgalley books read and reviewed:

How was your month?


  1. Great job! So many titles I added to my list! So much cover love going on too! Happy March!

    1. Thank you! Yes, covers plays a huge part in me looking at a book. Good luck with March reading!

  2. February was an excellent month of reading for you! Well done!


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