Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The Bookworm Tag


The (very simple) Rules:
-answer the questions 
-make up new ones 
-tag people

I was tagged by The Edge of the Precipice .

And here are the questions:

1.  If you had to go into the witness protection program, and they gave you the option of moving inside a book, where would you like to go?

So difficult!  Maybe the Montana Marshall series...then I will have a lot of bodyguards.

2.  Have you ever claimed to have read a book you actually hadn't read?

Yes, but because I really thought I did.  I went back and read it though.

3.  What author have you read the most books by?

This one is difficult to get the exact number, especially since Goodreads deleted this function, but I would have to say Karen Kingsbury, Terri Blackstock, Colleen Coble, Susan May Warren and Lynette Eason.

4.  Do you ever buy fun bookish merch like mugs, shirts, artwork, etc?


5.  Do you usually read only one book at a time, or do you have several going at once?

In the past, I used to only read one book at a time.  Now I will have at least 4 books going at once:
    1. Non-fiction - any format
    2. Paperback - with two small kids I only read this at night just before my bed time and usually consist of books I purchased years ago. And also if our lights are on!
    3. Kindle - this is my main format of reading, so most of my reading is spend on this       format. 
    4. Audiobooks - since we can't get rich from just reading all day, I do have a day job, and listen to audiobooks while doing a lot of those boring no brainy tasks.

6.  Are you a mood reader, or do you plan out your reads?

Both - In the past, I was more of a mood reader, but since discovering Goodreads and review programs, I plan my month based on the review books.  But I will still select my next book from my monthly TBR pile based on my mood and have squeezed in new ARCs between my plans because I wanted to read those ASAP.

7.  If you could meet the author of your favorite book and ask them one question, what would you ask them?

Susan May Warren  - how do you keep track of all your stories, plots and characters?

SMW has so many projects going and her characters overflow a lot from prior series, plus she is involved in various other projects via her publishing group Sunrise Media!

8.  Have you ever tried a new food or drink because you read about it in a book or story?

Yes. when I worked for 4 months in the US, there was a few things I tried, especially Starbucks.

9.  Have you ever named a pet after a book character?


10.  What book are you reading right now?

A few 😊

So, here is some bookworms I would like to get to know better:

Here are my questions to you:

1.  What are your earliest book memory?

2.  What was your favourite book as a child/teen?

3.  Have you ever watch the movie after you have read the book and felt disappointed? Which book was that?

4.  Which book is sitting in your TBR which you were excited to read, perhaps pre-ordered, but years passed, and you still must open the cover?

5.  If you could spend a day in an authors’ mind, which author would that be?

6.  When you try a new author, but that book was a miss, do you give them a second chance or move on?

7.  Do you did-not-finish books?

8.  Did you have a book crush?

9.  Do you have comfy treats or drinks you enjoy while reading?

10.  What are the next 5 books you are planning on reading?


  1. Fun! I used to read only one book at a time but I'm the same... I usually have a few going now.

    1. Different genres or the same? I need to at least have different genres to not confuse the stories :-)

  2. This is fun! It so fun to know more about you

  3. So fun! Thanks for the tag, look for my post tomorrow :)

  4. I really enjoyed reading your answers! I also read multiple books at once. Just works better that way, somehow :-)


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