Saturday, March 11, 2023

Review: The Escape Game

The Escape Game The Escape Game by Marilyn Turk
My rating: πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

This story started out interesting and I enjoyed Kenneth’s personality. Beryl’s struggles at home with the impacts of war on everyday life was a good reminder of how horrible the war was.

Kenneth was a lively young man and his mindset to escape and not get comfortable was inspiring. The POW camp was quite mild compared to other horrific camps which was surprising.

However, somewhere the story lost paced and just stayed in the middle lane. I expected more action and suspense with the escapes and thought the game would have been more emphasized than what it was.

I enjoyed James and how this challenge grew his Faith and wanted more of that for Kenneth. There was potential for that but just never really developed but a brief prayer at the end.

*I received a complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.*

View all my reviews

About the book:

A Board Game Holds Keys to Prisoners’ Escape
Full of intrigue, adventure, and romance, this series celebrates the unsung heroes—the heroines of WWII.
After the Nazis started the bombing blitz of England, Beryl Clarke puts her college on hold to return to Leeds, care for her mother, and work as a secretary at the Waddington game company. While she endures the war at home, her brother James fights the enemy in the air. When he is shot down, injured, and captured, James reunites with a former college friend American POW Kenneth Bordelon, and they plan to escape the Nazi prison camp. Beryl knows there is a board game with escape plans being delivered to POWs by the Red Cross. But how can she let them know about the game's secret without revealing the information to the enemy?


  1. Frustrating that the game wasn't more of the story, But, I'm glad you enjoyed it overall.

    1. Especially when the book summary gives a different impression.


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