Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2024

 Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Okay, so I am listing 15, because I didn't want to exclude one of these from the list:


1. Fragile Designs

2. Double Take

3. Chaos


4. Fatal Witness

5. The Irish Matchmaker

6. One Wrong Move


7. One Last Shot

8. Never Fall Again

9. A Noble Scheme


10.  The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple

11. The Songbird of Hope Hill

12. The British Booksellers

13. The Sleuth of Blackfriars Lane


14. Loyally, Luke


15. Hidden in the Night


  1. Looks like a fun lineup! Hope you enjoy them all once you get chance to read them.

    My TTT.

  2. Wow! Gorgeous covers! I hope all of the books are just as good!

  3. I'm probably going to do a Part 2 list next week because I had such a hard time narrowing mine down to 10. It's SO hard to choose sometimes! Oh, and I've been meaning to read the Griep series ever since the first book came out. It looks so fun. I hope you enjoy all these!

    Happy TTT!

  4. Interesting. I haven't heard of any of these books. I hope you enjoy them.

  5. Double Take looks good to me!

  6. I am so excited for most of these as well!! There are SO many great books coming out this year!


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