Sunday, November 6, 2022

Review: The Prophet: Amos

The Prophet: Amos The Prophet: Amos by Francine Rivers
My rating: 💛💛💛💛

Amos had such a huge challenge, trying to get God’s people to realise that they are on a lost path and need to repent and return to God.

As per the author’s introduction note, there was so many prophecies Amos heard from God which is still relevant today.

I enjoyed the way Amos and Hosea was linked together.

*I listened to the audio on Scribd.*

View all my reviews

About the book:

A man of solitude, who felt at home among the hills. A man of conviction, who heard when god called. A man of fortitude, who spoke to a nation unwilling to listen.  The Israelites rebelled against God and were devoured by war. But first, they were warned by a prophet who refused to turn away: Amos.

About the author:

New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers continues to win both industry acclaim and reader

loyalty around the globe. Her numerous bestsellers include Redeeming Love, A Voice in the Wind, and Bridge to Haven, and her work has been translated into more than thirty different languages. She is a member of Romance Writers of America's coveted Hall of Fame as well as a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW).
Twitter: @FrancineRivers


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