Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Petty Reasons You’ve DNF’d a Book (Or reduced its rating. You don’t even have to say what the book was if you don’t want to!)

 Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

So, there was only a few books (like four) I have not DNF's and the main reasons for those were:

1. The main topic in the plot is Voodoo - it is just something I do not feel comfortable reading about.

2. I found myself bored and rolling my eyes a lot - then look at my long list of TBR, and rather pick up something else:

Reasons I will drop a rating:

3. The plot is too predictable.

4. Too much romance - especially the meet and fall in love and break up because we can't communicate then make up plot.

5. A suspense book where the suspense is too light.

6. A suspense book where I guess the ending/suspect in the first 50% of the book (and it was not planned by the author).

7. The characters is not likeable or connectable.

8. Too much talk about the physical appearance and borderline on sexual tension in a Christian fiction book.

And that is about it.  Usually I choose to read books I know I will like.

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