Thursday, June 2, 2022

Monthly Recap: May 2022


 I first saw this monthly reflections idea on: Christian bookshelf reviews

May was a bit of a slower reading month on the audiobooks due to more meetings, but I enjoyed what I've read and looking forward to June:

What I've read:

(Reviews can be found under Book Review tag)


What I would like to read in June:

Currently Reading:

Upcoming reads (hopeful):

Did I buy any new books?


Another BAD BAD month of buying!  Really need to get control over this so that I can actually start reading all my books in the next 10 years!

Did I read everything I wanted too?

No, had to carry over a lot to June (and sadly apart from A Singular and Whimsical Problem, it is everything I carried over to May 🙀):

ARC/Netgalley update:

ARC/Netgalley books downloaded this month:

ARC/Netgalley books read and reviewed:

How was your month?


  1. I also had a slower month and I have several books that have been carried over from earlier months this year! I have a harder time listening to suspense books on audiobook, I find them harder to follow. I am finishing Fatal Code today and I hope/plan to read several of the books you are reading in June :)

    1. I prefer also reading than listening, but sometimes I can get the audio on script so then will listen to it. But it is difficult to follow sometimes, or not to stop everything and just listen!


Review: The Winter Rose

The Winter Rose by Melanie Dobson My rating: 💛💛💛 This was a story which started out slow but at the end held...