Monday, February 14, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: 5 star books from Goodreads friends I still need to read


 Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

The topic for this week was Books to Good to Review Properly (I have no words!), but when I started, I realised I will just choose books I've already focused on a few times already.

So, I thought about it, and then decided I will go and see which 5 star rated books are on some of my top friends' goodreads list, and select a few I am still to read:

1.  The Hidden Side

3.  Newton and Polly

4.  The Promise of Jesse Woods

7.  Over the Edge

8.  Ring of Secrets

9.  Breach of Trust

10.  Courting Morrow Little


  1. I haven't heard of any of these books or authors. Hope they are good. On today's topic I sometimes can't think how I want to write a review and then I procrastinate until I lose all initiative to write it. Years later I am disappointed when I go searching for that review I never wrote. Sigh. My TTT

    1. Ah, hope you get to reviewing those books. I have a few I didn't review but those is all books I've read before discovering Goodreads and blogging. Rereads planned for the future :-)

  2. These are all new to me! Hopefully if you get to read some of these, you will enjoy them.

  3. Ooo!This is a fun post. I love when friends' 5 star reads make me add a book to my TBR.

    1. Yes, so many of the books made my list on Goodreads due to that!

  4. That's a great topic!!! I might need to put that in my back pocket for later ;) Ring of Secrets is on my TBR list this year, other than that one and Diann Mills, the rest are new to me, thanks for sharing!

    1. Hope to read Ring of Secret also this year, hopefully soon1

  5. Great twist in the topic! I have't heard of any of these titles but I hope they end up being 5-star reads for you 😊

  6. These are all new to me, so thank you for sharing them!


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