Monday, January 11, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Resolutions for 2021


 Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Hosted by 

I always saw this on blogs and loved this.  Glad to try this and join the fun!

Top Ten Resolutions for 2021

I have actually written a post last year about Reading Goals, but the following is probably some top Ten specific goals for 2021:

1.  Finish 10 series I have started - I love series and always get distracted with new ones, so, except for review books, I really want to focus on series I have already started before 2021 and read those first before I start new series in my TBR.

2.  Read one paperback a month - I rarely get time to read paperbacks anymore - 2 boys running around limit my reading time at night before bed in the dark.

3.  Read 2 Kindle books a month I bought - I have quite a few kindle books to read, so I really want to try and read 2 kindle books a month I actually bought vs received for review or was a kindle freebie.

4.  Read 6 non-fiction books this year - hopefully this should be manageble with 1 book over two months.

5.  Listen to two audiobooks a month - Audiobooks is a great way of catching up on all those books I want to read but not have time of actually reading.  

6.  Read 1 to 2 Netgalley/Review books a month - There is a few 2020 books I need to catch up on.  December 31st came too quickly! 

7.  Try and not buy new books before reading a chunk of what I already own - Ja, we will see how long that lasts!  I try to at least limit books I buy to favourite authors.

8.  Keep Reading - No matter how busy life gets, try to at least read 10 minutes a day.

9.  Focus on catching up on favourite authors' books - We are so spoiled with a lot of great books and each year I find new authors I like and sort of got behind on some of my all time favourite authors.  So this year I want to at least monthly, read a book from an all time favourite author.

10.  Have fun! - Even though I have goals and participate in loads of challenges, reading should be fun.  So if I don't meet all my goals...hey, as long as I keep reading...that  is the ultimate goal!


  1. Good luck with your goals! I find that it is especially hard to read the books I have.

    1. I know! There is always new releases more appealing!

  2. Good luck with your goals. There are so many great nonfiction books out there.

    My post.

  3. I also want to read more non-fiction this year!
    My TTT:

  4. Great list! It's always important to have fun when reading! Hope you meet your goals!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  5. I'm with you on #1. I even made my TTT list today about which ones I need to catch up on. Good luck to both of us!

    Happy TTT!

  6. I also want to use my Kindle more this year. Good luck! My TTT

  7. I love that your goals are so focused. Best of luck to you this year and, of course, happy reading!

  8. I've not tried audiobooks yet. I set a goal of reading daily also. Good luck! I hope you can stop by:


  9. P.S. We read the same genres!!!


  10. Excellent goals - I wish you luck with them! I love non-fiction so if you ever need recs let me know!


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