Monday, January 18, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Meant to Read In 2020 but Didn’t Get To


 Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Hosted by 

Books I planned to read in 2020 but didn't get to:

I have a long list of books I wanted to read in 2020, but didn't get to, either because I didn't have a copy yet, or time ran out, but more often the reason was that I just got distracted with other books.

Here is a few I really wanted to read in 2020 - some was released in 2020 and some are on my list for years - and will hopefully read soon in 2021:

4. Falcon


  1. So many of my favorite authors are on this list! Thanks for stopping by!


  2. I haven't heard of many of these titles but have seen a few of them mentioned on other lists today! How Sweet It Is looks really cute though and I might have to check it out 😍 Hope you get around to reading these and enjoy them!

    1. If you like dual-time plots, this was really a good series. This is the third in the series. I would suggest starting with Book 1 since the history plot runs through from Book 1 :-)

  3. I hope you find time for all of these titles soon.

    My post.

  4. The Dress Shop on King Street seems like a fun book. I enjoy reading stories about small clothing shops. :)

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday list.

    1. I heard great things about The Dress shop...

  5. Awesome list. I want to read so many of these books. I've been on the library waiting list since October for Two Reasons to Run. I'm hopeful that any day now, I'll get to check it out. I loved Falcon. Ronie Kendig is one of my favorite authors. :)

    1. I only need to read Falcon and Dead Reckoning then I’m caught up on her military books - I want to give her fantasy books a try as well this year.

  6. Looks like you have some fun reading to do in 2021! I haven't read any of these, but THINGS WE DIDN'T SAY and THE DRESS SHOP ON KING STREET are two I've heard good things about and definitely want to read.

    Happy TTT!


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