Monday, April 10, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Titles with Animals In Them and/or Covers with Animals On Them


Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This one was a bit easier this week.  Loads of covers with dogs on them...I tried to get some other types of animals in between:

1. Dogs Days of Summer

2. False Pretense

3. Hunted

4. A Most Noble Heir

5. Barking up the Wrong Tree

6. Rodeo Rescuer

7. Shield of Protection

8. Winning the Gentleman

9. Windswept Way

10. He Should Have Told the Bees


  1. Susan's is a great fit! It's always fun too when the hero takes the stage vs the usual heroine front and center. :)

  2. I should have picked covers over titles because I really had to dig deep to find ten books I've read with animals in the titles. I like your variety.

    My TTT list of animal titles

    1. Yes, I tend to go for covers because that usually grabs my attention.

  3. I went with covers this week as well, but stuck to one animal.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  4. I love the collie on the cover of the Janice Thompson book!
    My TTT:

  5. There can never be enough dogs on covers or in stories, but I love the other animals you spotlighted too.

  6. Great list, Sarita! I could have made an entire post with just dogs too, LOL! I think dogs and horses are probably most common, LOL!

  7. Dogs and horses are my favorite animals, so I love these!

  8. I'm not familiar with any of these books. Happy reading! My TTT


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