Monday, April 17, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Non-book Freebie


Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Here is the Top Ten Series I am currently watching and enjoying:

Some seasons we get a few months after it aired overseas, others we get as it airs.

1.  Heartland

2. Fire Country

3. Sweet Magnolias

4. The Good Doctor

5. Survivor

6. CSI Vegas

7. The Rookie

8. Manifest


10. A Million Little Things


  1. Survivor is one of my favorites too - I've been watching since the beginning!

    1. I missed a few seasons but back into it again.

  2. We used to watch Heartland, I think we watched 5 or 6 seasons and kind of got tired of it.

  3. You have a lot of good shows on your list! NCIS is a favorite of mine.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  4. I watch and love Good Doctor and Rookie as well. Used to watch a couple of the others (NCIS for a million years) but cut back to just the basics and my very fave ones a year ago. Much less TV time, more reading and playing time!
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  5. I've watched various episodes of NCIS and CSI, but I've never sat down to watch an entire season. My oldest daughter watched NCIS New Orleans quite regularly for a while, and I would watch with her. But not enough to get attached to the characters.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. I'm still watching NCIS but doesn't feel the same without Gibs.

  6. Survivor is one of my favorites! I've watched it since it started.

    1. I enjoy the South African and Australian versions as well.

  7. Heartland is one of my favourite shows, very impatiently waiting for Season 16 to be released on UK Netflix!
    My TTT:

  8. *slaps forehead* I forgot about Sweet Magnolias! I'm really enjoying it, more than I did the books -- these women are great. Not as invested in the kids yet but found Kyle surprisingly endearing.

    Otherwise, this list looks exactly like my old TV watching life did, and that is very comforting! Even have a couple of the same on my list today since I used to basically live on CBS shows. Fire Country is one I'm interested in but haven't gotten around to yet.

    I stopped watching NCIS after season 14 (no real reason, I just got behind and then when I heard Gibbs & Abby didn't share any scenes before she left for good my investment shattered), but it was a huge part of my life before that. Don't know if I'll ever catch up entirely because WOW I cannot face any more dead female characters, but I very much do want to see my fave Ziva again.

    My GSR-loving heart is still in recovery from the beating it took in season 13 of the original run, which DID make me quit on the spot after watching it almost from the beginning, but one day I'd like to watch the Vegas revival.

    But enough about me. I never get a chance to talk TV with people who watch the same shows, tell me more! Favorite characters on the ones I mentioned above? Any particularly good seasons or episodes you want to highlight?

    1. Gibs is probably my all time favourite character!


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