Monday, April 3, 2023

Top ten Tuesday: Indie/Self-Published Books

Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. 

I am not 100% sure which authors publishes themselves, but, I do think the following is self-published books which is on my TBR - well, the publishers is not the big known-to-me ones, so hope I am on the correct track: 

1. Martyr

This series is a speculative regency. Never heard of such a genre, try it! This series is on kindle unlimited, but book one can also be yours for $0.99 - get it here.

2. Jonas

Susan May Warren is a big name with Revell Publishers, but she also in recent years spoiled her readers with a few self published (I think) series.  Jonas is her newest which will be published April 4th.  Technically I have read this one, but the next book, Ned, which I desperately need, only releases in June and not yet available to add on any wish lists!

3. Love Makes a Way

Book 1-3 was published through Revell Books, but book four will be self published.

4. Seaside Wonder

5. Memory Lane

The author previously published with Bethany House, but this one looks self published:

All the following books looks self-published, but due to my limited knowledge, I might be wrong:

6. Twisted Lies

7. Hidden Currents

8. A Refuge by the Sea

9. Cold Truth

10. Expired Secrets

11. Stay With Me

Book one and two was released through Revell, but book 3 and 4 seems self-published:

12. The Shifting Currents

And then sometimes authors know that their readers are not yet finished with the characters, and spoil us with a self-published novella:


  1. I clearly don't read these Indies or self-published. I don't even spend a moment of time looking around for them either. Sigh. I haven't heard about any of these books or authors.

    1. I usually don't either. All of these are books I in my TBR and not published by the known big publishers, so I am assuming Indie/self-published.

  2. Interesting list! I've not heard of any of these books, but that doesn't surprise me given the massive number of books released every month.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Way too many for the amount of reading time I have!

  3. I haven't read that Wade book, but I have read another and loved it. I will have to check this one out.

  4. I hope you enjoy all of these!
    My TTT:

  5. Becky's books are always fabulous! And I also think Susan is one of those authors who can write any and all genres and does it really well. :) Thanks so much for visiting my website this week.

  6. I hope you enjoy all these books.

  7. I love Susan May Warren and Hallee Bridgeman! Thanks for sharing!

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday!

    1. You're welcome :-) Enjoy discovering more Indie books!


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