Thursday, May 5, 2022

Book Spotlight Fridays! Potiphar's Wife

Book Beginnings and Friday56

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading. Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice and asks you to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your e-reader and share a non-spoiler sentence or two.

I love Mesu Andrew's Biblical fiction and was excited when I could get access to an ARC.  This one releases May 24th.

Potiphar's Wife

About the book:

The drama of the Old Testament comes to life as one of the Bible’s most infamous women longs for Joseph, her husband’s servant, in this riveting novel from the award-winning author of Isaiah's Legacy.

Before she is Potiphar's wife, Zuleika is a king's daughter on the isle of Crete, where the sisterhood of women rules in the absence of their seafaring husbands. Now that she's come of age, Zuleika knows she will soon be betrothed. Her father believes his robust trade with Egypt will ensure Pharaoh's obligation to marry his daughter.

But Pharaoh refuses and gives her instead to Potiphar, the captain of his bodyguards--a crusty bachelor twice her age, who would rather have a new horse than a Minoan wife.

Abandoned by her father, rejected by Pharaoh, and humiliated by Potiphar's indifference, Zuleika years for affection. But when her obsession with Joseph, the Hebrew chamberlain with the face and body of the gods, goes terribly wrong, she discovers the truth: Only the God of Joseph can heal her wounded heart.


Book Beginnings

The sea was choppy, angry, spitting its salty mist on my lips.

Friday 56

The air crackled with tension, and Potiphar wished he could disappear.  This was what marriage did to people

My thoughts so far

Mesu Andrews always has a way of bringing characters from the Bible to life, and making me care and think about people I usually just briefly acknowledged while reading the Bible.



  1. I bet this is a great read! I love biblical fiction! LOVE that cover too, so pretty! Happy weekend!

  2. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this one. Have a great weekend!

    1. Not my favourite by Mesu Andrews, but still good!

  3. From When the Day Comes by Gabrielle Meyer:
    For as long as I could remember, my mama had told me that my life was a gift. But at the age of nineteen, I had yet to see how this life I was living – or rather, the lives I was living – could be anything other than a burden.


Weekend Wrap-Up: March 2nd

    It’s Monday! What are you reading?   is hosted by  Book Date . We went on our first ski weekend holiday this past weekend and everyone e...