Monday, November 2, 2020

Monthly Recap: October reads

I first saw this monthly reflections ideas on: Christian bookshelf reviews

What I've read:

I had a great month for reading.  I finished 9 books! And there was a few great ones!

It is difficult to say which was my favourite, I enjoyed all of them.  I will highlight the following though:

The one most excited for:  Soul raging (review coming November)

The one with high expectations which was met: The Pawn

You can find all my reviews on what I've read this month under: Book review  - Still the One and Soul raging's review will be posted in November.

November plans:

Since my two boys affect my reading time, I don't plan on how many books I want to read.  I do however want to try to finish a few series I have going.

I also added the entire Montana Marshall series by Susan May Warren to my TBR and I can't wait to start that, but also am delaying it because I know it will be good, but then it will also be over.

So, how did your October go and do you have reading plans for November?


  1. You read so many books that I loved! I'm so excited to see that The Pawn met your expectations - that is my favorite series. Can't wait to see what you think of the other books in the series.

    1. Yes, definitely planning on reading the Patrick Bowers series! Buddy reading it with a friends so we want to do one a month.


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