Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Covers/Titles with Things Found in Nature

 Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

I love the outdoors and nature, so a lot of covers with nature immediately draws my attention.

Here is ten books with nature scenes I have read and was 5 star reads for me:

1. Like Dandelion Dust

2. Submerged

3. Under a Blackberry Moon

4. The Wood's Edge

5. Thin Ice

6. Miriam

7. Rescue Me

8. Beneath Copper Falls

9. The Heart's Charge

10. Chasing Shadows


  1. Great list, Sarita! Beautiful covers.

  2. Great choices for you covers! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  3. I'm glad you could share ten books that you loved and fit this week's theme.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  4. Oooh! These covers look beautiful!! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  5. I love that CHASING SHADOWS cover! It looks like a good read. I'll have to give it a go.

    Happy TTT!


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