Friday, July 7, 2023

Book Spotlight Friday! Break of Day!


Book Beginnings and Friday56

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading. Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice and asks you to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your e-reader and share a non-spoiler sentence or two.  First Line Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Reading is my Superpower that asks you to share the first sentence of the book you're reading.

Enjoying this final book in the series. This series needs to be read in order since there is open issues which started in book one running throughout the series.

Break of Day

About the book:

Annie Pederson’s happily ever after is finally within sight . . . If she can stay alive long enough to grasp it. Law enforcement officer Annie Pederson’s life has been rocked by tragedy, but things finally seem to be heading in the right direction. Her relationship with the love of her life—who’s also the biological father of her precious daughter—has never been better, and it looks like an engagement ring is in Annie’s future. She’s also slowly building back trust with her sister, Sarah, after a separation that lasted for decades. When a man escapes law enforcement custody and Sarah’s safety is suddenly in question, Annie’s personal and professional lives once again merge. Meanwhile, her investigation of hikers who have gone missing in the remote woods of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula puts her in the crosshairs of a deadly game. Now, Annie is the one being hunted. When she discovers the terrible truth about the men who are stalking her, she realizes that she’s in for the fight of her life if she’s going to redeem the sister she once lost, build the family she dreams of, and keep all those she loves safe. Return to the beloved town of Rock Harbor in the final installment of the Annie Pederson trilogy by bestselling suspense author Colleen Coble.


Book Beginnings


Friday 56

She should be able to sneak in there and get one out, then row for the mainland. It was her only hope.

My thoughts so far

Experiencing another physical tired week this week, so reading is going slowly, though this story is keeping my interest!



  1. What an odd opening sentence. It made me smile, though.

  2. Looks like a page turner! Happy weekend!

  3. This looks like an interesting story. Enjoy your current read!

  4. I have not read any of these! I am pretty behind in all things. Have a great weekend!


Book Spotlight Friday! Ambush

  Book Beginnings and Friday56 Book Beginnings  is a weekly meme hosted by   Rose City Reader  that asks you to share the first sentence (or...