Thursday, June 1, 2023

Book Spotlight Fridays! Counter Attack


Book Beginnings and Friday56

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader that asks you to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're reading. Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice and asks you to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your e-reader and share a non-spoiler sentence or two.  First Line Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Reading is my Superpower that asks you to share the first sentence of the book you're reading.

This one is attention grabbing from the first page!

Counter Attack

About the book:

No sooner has Alexis Stone been sworn in as the interim sheriff for Russell County, Tennessee, when a serial killer dubbed the Queen's Gambit Killer strikes again--this time in her hometown. Pearl Springs is just supposed to be a temporary stop along the way to Alex's real dream: becoming the first female police chief of Chattanooga. But the killer's calling card--a white pawn and a note with a chess move printed on it--cannot be ignored.

Pearl Springs chief of police Nathan Landry can't believe that his high school sweetheart Alexis (he refuses to call her Alex) is back in town, and he can't help wanting to protect the woman he never stopped loving. But as the danger mounts and the killer closes in, can Nathan come through on the promises he makes to himself to bring a killer to justice before it's too late.


Book Beginnings

Phame fingered the White pawn and opened the Tor browser from a USB drive.

Friday 56

"It scared the living daylights out of us when we found him dead."

My thoughts so far

I am looking forward to my weekend reading!



  1. Sounds like a compelling mystery. Enjoy!

  2. I have to laugh at the Friday 56 quote. I can well imagine how scary that would be.

  3. That's quite a 56! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I am looking forward to reading this one as well. Have a great weekend!

  5. Sounds intense!! Happy weekend!

  6. Happy Friday!
    I'm currently reading A Shadow in Moscow by Katherine Reay. It's a wild ride of a story.
    "Ingrid unlocked the apartment's front door and felt a cold creep up her spine."
    I hope you have an excellent weekend. Happy reading! 😀❤️📚

  7. I want to read this one! Today, I was reading Abduction in the Dark by Jenna Night. The first line is: "The knocking at the front door was unexpected." Have a great week!


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