Monday, March 14, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Spring 2022 TBR

 Join in the Top Ten Tuesday fun! Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

It is Autumn/Fall here in South Africa, and though I do enjoy the cooler weather, I prefer the longer days of summer.  

So, some of these is carried over from my Winter TBR, some is 2022 releases which I will definitely read:

Golden Oldies


  1. I haven't heard of any of these titles but I hope you enjoy all of your reads 😃

  2. Hope you enjoy all of these!
    My TTT:

  3. I did not think to look back at my winter list. We do share a few in common, great list! Here's my TTT:

    1. Yes, there is a few books I really want to read this year, so I try to be more strategic with my reading.

  4. I hope you enjoy reading these when you get the opportunity!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!


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