Thursday, October 22, 2020

Growing up with books


"There is a time for finding and losing, keeping and giving."  Ecc 3:15

All through my life, there were seasons where I had a great group of friends and other times I only had my book friends - these times, with my book friends, really saved me from feeling alone.  Books also saved me during the seasons where my friends started experiencing with drinking and smoking.  

My love for reading started at a very young age.  I think my love for reading was passed down from my mom, who discovered the love of reading from her mom.  I still have my first book my grandmother gave me.

Reading is fun, constant and you never have enough books to read, though there were definitely times where I felt I have nothing to read because all the books which were available in the library I read.

And then there were all of the adventures, new places, new friends.  In the world of reading you are never alone.  I went along with Nancy Drew, solving mysteries, and other times just relaxed at the beach "watching my book friend learning to surf". 

And then one day I was introduced to Christian fiction! Oh, the excitement of discovering new stories and authors.  But just when I thought I had my go-to-authors, someone mentioned Goodreads, and wait, what, there is more Christian fiction authors to get to know...

I'm hoping that my love for reading will be passed on to my boys - currently, the one loves reading time, while the other one just wants to eat the book!

When you love reading, each new book you get - paperback or ebook - has a promise of a new adventure, a new discovery and the making of new friends.

Where did your love for reading start?


  1. I got my love for reading from both my parents! Actually my mom loves romance and my dad loves sci fi so I ended up liking both of them!

    1. My dad also read, but very limited comparing to my mom. Sci fi is one genre I can't really get into. But I did enjoy some speculative.


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